Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Breaking Bad Posture with Chiropractic Care


Breaking Bad Posture with Chiropractic Care

Do you ever get home after a long day with neck pain, back pain, or a headache? The good news is that the great majority of back and neck pain is not due to serious disease, but instead is mechanical in nature. In other words, something in the spine is not physically functioning right and it is causing your pain. In chiropractic practice, patients often ask “why does it hurt?” or “why does that vertebra keep slipping out of alignment?” This is because gravity is constantly acting on you, and if your posture is not up to snuff, it will get the best of you. Let’s look at an average daily routine to see what you are up against.  

The alarm goes off at 6:30 and you roll out of bed with a stiff back. If you look back at your mattress and there is a you-shaped divot, this is the first place to look to improve your posture. Although it never seems like you get enough sleep, you spend enough time in that bed to do some damage to your neck and back if they aren’t getting the support you need while you catch your Z’s. 

After you get ready, it’s off to work. The national average for commute time is about 26 minutes. How does the average person spend that time? Sitting. You sit in your car, the bus, the train, perhaps even your bike for 26 minutes to and from work. Next time you are commuting, take note of how you are holding yourself.  Are your shoulders hiked up next to your ears? Are you slouching? Is your seat pushed too far back for you to sit up straight? Car seats very commonly exacerbate low back pain.
You finally arrive at work only to go and sit at your desk the rest of the day. Even if you don’t sit, you most likely will be standing all day. Either way your back and neck will not like it. You spend a tremendous amount of time at work and gravity is acting on you and your spine the entire time. Are you fighting back?

Five o’clock hits and you head home to eat dinner and curl up on your overstuffed sofa to watch your favorite shows. Couches are very deceiving because they are so big and fluffy and inviting. The problem is that most couches provide zero support for your back and neck. They practically swallow you whole, and your posture with you. 

Repeat this cycle 5 days a week and it becomes easier to see where the back pain, neck pain, and headaches come from. What you need is a good therapeutic intervention and some good self-care advice. Enter chiropractic. Your local chiropractor is highly skilled at identifying postural faults, vertebral misalignments, and muscular imbalances that are causing your pain. In addition, they can identify stressors in your life such as those mentioned above that are contributing to the problem and give you recommendations to improve your posture and ergonomics as well as stretches and exercises to strengthen your postural muscles. As you can see above, poor posture is a vicious cycle. Break the cycle with a trip to your chiropractor and start feeling better today.

About the Author
Beaverton, OR Chiropractor, Dr. Kip Thompson is pleased to bring you this article on “Breaking Bad Posture with Chiropractic Care”. If you are interested, feel free to check out Dr. Thompson’s website at


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